What if I’m take Higher Chinese in my PSLE? (2019)

Higher Chinese Language (HCL) is an optional Subject in PSLE and “O” Levels.

HCL only report a grade in your certificate which helps those children who apply to SAP school. The grade will be added to the children’s T-score.

Grade add on points
HCL >80, you get Distinction for 3 bonus points.
HCL 65-79, you get Merit 2 bonus points.
HCL 50-64, you get Pass  and 1 bonus point.

HMT Examination Format:
Paper 1 : Composition (40%)
Paper 2 : Cloze Passages and Written Comprehension (60%)
Total: 100%

Bonus Points for Admission to Special Assistance Plan (SAP) schools are schools like Anglican High, Catholic High, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’, Chung Cheng High (Main), Dunman High, Maris Stella High, Nanyang Girls’ High, River Valley High and The Chinese High and Nan Chiau High.

1) RI/RGS/NUSH/ACS (I) are not SAP schools.

2) Students who wants to take HCL in secondary school would benefit from taking HCL in PSLE as they will in a better position in secondary school.

3) HCL prepares PSLE pupils for secondary 1 Chinese compo and comprehension! That is My View…

4) children need to take English and Chinese Language at the PSLE to be eligible for admission to SAP schools.

5) children can choose to take up Higher Chinese in Primary 5 and they will be taking 5 subjects in PSLE.

Paper 1 Composition
Choose one of the two questions to answer
1) Theme composition

2) Complete the sentence with a full story

Paper 2 Section A

  1. Language use: choose 8 words to write into 5 blanks in a passage
  2. Correct the use of nouns and provide the correct character.

Paper 2 Section B ( comprehension )
1) Choose the noun in the passage that has the same meaning as the word in this sentence.
2) Comparing question: before and after question

3) 5w1H question
4) Choose the title and reason for your choice?

5)Figure out the meaning of the following phrases.

6) Summary writing: Write a summary for paragraph 3 within 15 words.
7) Inference question, what does this sentence tells you about the situation or person?

8) Analytic question: what do you thoughts about this event?
9) application question: what do you learn from the story and tell about how are you going to apply it in your life?


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