I have a pupil who, in July last year, was able to write only one page and two lines for a Primary 4 composition.
After 12 months of diligently reading textbooks and studying vocabulary, he improved remarkably. He now writes Primary 5 compositions with good phrases, spanning two pages and four lines.
Due to his intense study of vocabulary and textbooks, he passed his composition within 12 months. In fact, he even passed Chinese with overall outstanding results.
The Tool
Wordlist is the key to vocabulary and vocabulary is the key to language learning. how did you know your English is bad, you have bad vocab! same thing when you discover your Chinese is bad, you have bad vocabulary.
Wordlist is the systematic way to build vocabulary without much effort, just do it everyday, like study 3-5 words everyday, and truly understand them to use them. it builds habit too.
Does it quickly improve results in 3 months studying wordlists?
NO, this is not a quick fix, its build foundation in your Chinese which you will benefit even after sec 1 and 2. normally with 6 months of diligent study, you will see improvements. not big ones but great ones like you will “read” smoother and fluently than before and your comprehension is better for passages too.
Where to get the Wordlist?
you can use paynow, grabpay, by using the QR code here

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