How to score in your PSLE Chinese exam with daily work that will give you an edge over your peers.


This is the 5 Step framework for building a foundation in Chinese Language which you can carry over to your secondary school Chinese Language AND its about doing 30-40 minutes of studying. The Key to winning this war is consistence effort.

Step 1 : Study the vocabulary in your primary 5 to 6 Chinese textbook and build a foundation so that you can score 50/50 in Paper 2 Section A

Paper 2 Section A is all about vocabulary and a foundation in the Chinese Language. When your vocabulary expands, you will find that comprehension, oral recitation and oral conversation becoming easier. However, you need to build a word list for those textbooks and studying them with understanding. The key to studying vocabulary is UNDERSTANDING, not blindly remembering. And to help you with these word list, I have compiled my version of the PSLE Chinese wordlist tested by my students and myself to be very easy to study and understand and it even had simple sentences for every word to reinforce memory.

get my wordlist for PSLE Chinese

NOTE: This Word list is suitable for those who are taking PSLE from 2019 onwards as It is based on the new Huanle Huoban Textbooks P5 (2019) and P6(2020).

The daily dose of vocabulary is just to study 3-5 words everyday for 10-20 minutes. It will become 1095-1825 words in 365 days!

Mr Tan from

Step 2: study Compositions and write compositions.

Composition is a skill of reading, understanding and writing. So students should start by reading 1 page from a Chinese storybook or composition books. Do learn from the best composition books as those provide valuable lessons in composition writing. try the following links for good compositions:
Composition is a skill of reading, understanding and writing. So students should start by reading 1 page from a Chinese storybook or composition books. Do learn from the best composition books as those provide valuable lessons in composition writing. try the following links for good compositions:

**The links provided are from 新加坡福建会馆 (SINGAPORE HOKKIEN HUAY KUAN).

To improve writing, you have to write 1 sentence every day starting with simple copying a sentence from textbooks. Max 10 minutes.

Mr Tan from

Step 3: Study Oral topics and Oral scripts and practice by saying out the scripts out with confidence.

oral conversation is actually very easy for those who liked to talk a lot, but most students can score well when they speak, even if softly. However, students need to learn the topics and the ways to answer those questions using a script. a script is a conversation that are written down and can answers the questions in an logical order and has no grammar mistakes. To help students with the PSLE Oral topics and scripts, I have a book for it.

psle chinese oral cover page

**The PSLE Oral guide has 2022 and some past year questions and scripts. 2023 scripts will be available in a later date.

Study script by reading the question and reading aloud the answer, for 10 minutes every day.

Mr Tan from

Step 4: Learn to read Chinese books and understand the story and win the comprehension part of paper 2 section B.

The key to comprehension is two things: 1) reading; and 2) understanding the questions.

By reading, you can start with reading your textbook passages one by one, one sentence at a time. make sure you can read the characters and understand the meaning of the sentence.

By understanding the question, you have to study the questions. There are about 3 types of questions in PSLE:
1) Who, when, where, what, why questions are literal ones. Students can just copy the sentences and paste into the answer paper. This included the 2 questions that require student to identify the words in passage with a certain meaning.

2) inference questions where students need to understand the meaning behind the texts and logically figure things out. like 从哪里能看出来…… or 假如/如果是你,你会怎么做?or 你认为作者是一个怎么样的人?

Try to answer question 34 to 37 one question every time. Maybe just do one question everyday for 10 mminutes.

Mr Tan from

Step 5: listen to radio and songs and understand the lyrics to help Listening comprehension.

Radio and news nowadays have Singlish more than Chinese, so listening to Chinese songs and understand their Lyrics are a better choice.

Listen to a Chinese song whenever one is free for 10 minutes daily.

Mr Tan from


In conclusion, students who can do the above 5 activities for max 60 minutes a day and after 6 months you will gain a lot of knowledge of the Chinese Language and improve your results.
