New O levels in 2027 and Higher Chinese in 2024.

New O levels in 2027, streams-less and banded learning Classroom

1) New O levels will be administered in Singapore locally, no longer affiliated to Cambridge university. And All subjects will be marked locally.

2) From 2024 onwards, All schools will be banded so there will no longer be streamed student, only streamed subject. AKA students will study at a comfortable pace (in a suitable stream namely G1, G2, G3). And some subject should be common subjects studied at the same stream.

Higher Chinese and the new O levels

  1. HCL will be a subject so you DO NOT need to study CL G3 along with HCL.
  2. You can drop out of HCL as you like, but dropping out will be non-reversal.
  3. You will take CL G3 on 2026 at sec 3 and take HCL/CL G3 in 2027 as you wished.
  4. HCL can replace English as the main subject and CL G3 cannot be considered when HCL is used as main subject.
  5. HCL and CL G3 cannot be taken in same year.


HCL and CL G3 are 2 subjects and you cannot take both subjects in 1 year, helps student by reducing a lot of work load for HCL/CL G3.