What’s up with O levels/GEC?
2024, the New textbook for secondary 4/5 will be out and SEAB will base their O levels on the New textbook with the new textbook, there will be a new list of words to learn which I have compiled nicely for easy reading and learning:
Secondary 1 and 2 Express Chinese wordlist.

Secondary 3 Express Chinese Wordlist

How to use the wordlist?
1, if you are taking WA tests, then make sure which chapters or units are tested and study the words for the listed chapters or units. If you are taking EYE/Prelims, then study sec 3 and 4 wordlists.
2, Always study 3-10 words daily to build up a habit and that will help one build a solid foundation of 1000-3000 words in a year easily. This path is the hard way to a pass Because the foundation you build will carry you further after o levels.
The plan
Allocate 15 minutes daily for vocabulary revision.
Use textbooks or a checklist of Primary 4 vocabulary and write two to three creative sentences for each word.
Review and discuss how these words can be used in compositions.
Consistency is the secret to success. Start with one habit, build momentum, and watch as your child grows more confident and skilled in Chinese.