Tips to study PSLE Chinese when you are in primary 4.

What areas to work on for Primary 4 students to catch up to to Primary 5 and 6 examination needs?

For P3-5 students, The earlier you prepare for PSLE the better. P3-4, Do read Chinese books and study all the P3-4 vocabulary diligently. P5 must write composition like PSLE weekly to brush up on writing skills and vocabulary.

there are 3 gaps to bridge for any primary 4 student to catch up to p5 and eventually psle examination,

1, Composition has six pictures and you need to write 7 paragraphs, not the 4 picture method.

2, Reading Chinese stories helps build vocabulary for PSLE. build the reading habit before one needs it.

3, Read aloud the textbook passages and try to understand the context and each characters motive and actions, This will form the basis of comprehension.


Plan well and you will have a better foundation to ace your primary 5 and PSLE examinations.