Top 3 common mistakes for PSLE Chinese Compositions that students make and How to to avoid them.


The top 3 common mistakes that students repeatedly make can be broadly classified into three categories:-

(A) Misspellings, Wrong use of nouns or phrases.

When students tend to memorize lots of helping phrases and words, Most did not really understand what they are writing and so the used the wrong phrases, or the wrong words or even misspell the characters. When the number of mistakes become very frequent, that will left a bad impression on the examiner. Most of the time, if your mistakes are above 5, you are telling examiners that your standard of language is not good.

Myth: teacher deduct marks for misspellings. Well for misspelling and wrong use of words, teachers do not have a simple rule or way to deduct marks, its a very subjective process and the teacher needs to take into consideration more than 4 factors to determine a score. The process is to make it fair to all students.

(B) Bad grammar or bad sentence construction

This category of mistakes are broadly considered language use. the most common mistakes include

(1)wrong use of 把sentences。


In this sentence, 把makes the subject 饭so much more important than 我. if your sentence is not the emphase 饭 than you have used this sentence wrongly.

(2)wrong use of 在sentences。


在follows location and its always after a pronoun. english-like sentences always uses 在wrongly like 我(I)吃饭(eat)在(at)食堂(the canteen)。

(3)wrong use of time arrangement. English sentence always expresses time at the end of sentences like I eat at night(time).

while Chinese sentences almost always expresses time in front of sentences or just behind the pronoun. For example. 早上(time),我上学了。or 我(pronoun)早上(time)上课。if you said “I morning goto school”, that would be Chinese way of saying English!

(C) lack of vivid and expressive language

The way to score in composition is to express yourself using a colorful and creative language. simile and personification are two very basic expressive method which most students are aware but not skillful enough to use. These methods helps makes your composition interesting and a good read.

How to improve your composition?

(i) Read good compositions. Reading opens our mind to creative and interesting methods of compositing a composition. So if a student loved to read Chinese stories, they could learn a lot from other authors and could write better.

(ii) Write something with a topic daily like write a diary entry or just a simple sentence daily.

There is no way a student who writes once a month, or less could score well in composition. Practice makes better, this words works for composition writing.


Anyone can write Chinese composition but in order to score in it, students need to read and write daily.