How to improve your grades for PSLE Chinese examinations?

The plan is important!

If your children is AL4-5 and wanted change for the better, let them plan ahead of PSLE Chinese using below method:

you have 30+ days to study the words and understand them before 0ct PSLE. most pupils lack vocabulary and lack writing experience so three things to train:

1, 10 words a day for p6 words and complete whole p6 wordlist by sept 15.

2, read a compo and write the compo on one’s own without looking at the compo using a compo model essay book. do that twice weekly.

3, read textbook a chapter a week and write a summary of the story.

How to study for PSLE and O levels Oral properly?

1, get use to the 7 common topics, The 3 main type of questions asked and lastly learn to speak confidently.

(A) take questions and study scripts then remember just enough to speak out answers.

(B) put down scripts and answer the 3 questions without stopping at all.

2, *secret sauce: you need to observe your surrounding people and read newspaper articles for current affairs that are local and relevant. And use your experience to construct stories to convince your examiner that you know your stuff.

3, top secret sauce: you need to adapt your vocabulary to the video topic and if the topic is unfamiliar, identify a similiar topic and adapt the vocabulary and sentences used to the new topic.

For example, if you are on a topic of plastic bags being charge 5 cents, you want to adapt from the sub topic “reduce plastic bags” and develop your story accordingly.

Lastly, topics are fixed but sub topics are vast, and unsuspected topics may be tested like do you care for your friend, do you take care of your elder forks, are you engrossed in a hobby, how do you overcome difficulty, how to make sure living room is safe for kids etc

How to study for PSLE Chinese paper 2:

1, study the words in the textbook and revise those words regularly.

2, study the 60 idioms required for PSLE Chinese.

3, read and study the textbook passages for grammar and sentence structure. The more you are familiar with them the better your vocabulary is.

What questions for your PSLE Chinese paper 2?

The six levels of Chinese comprehension



1. 复述/记忆:这件事在什么时候/地点发生? Direct questions

2.解释/阐述:文中“一条长龙”指的是什么? vocabulary questions

3. 组织/重整应用:那位先生愿意帮助老婆婆,从哪里可以看出?reorganisation questions

4. 伸展/分析/综合:这个故事告诉我们什么道理? analytical questions

5. 评价:你同意老婆婆的做法吗?为什么? value judgemental questions

6. 创造: 你能从自己的生活举一个例子说明你是如何克服困难吗? creative questions.

Most questions are in level 1 and 2. about 2-3 questions are from level 3-6.

What if my child or I am in primary 1 to 5, what I or my child learn for PSLE Chinese?

If your child is in P1 and 2, train reading those textbook and memorise them.

If your child is in P3 and 4, Train sentence construction and use of connectors, and aim for 100% every spelling with weekly revision.

If your child is in P5, train p5 vocabulary before hand and train p6 ahead of time if possible. train oral scripts too. And do writing every week. P5 compo is way too different from p4 ones, so must train to write more to get used to p6 writing style.

If your child is in p6, train oral now, and then listening comprehension while studying vocabulary daily with 3-5 words. On sept start compo reading and writing weekly.

What if my child or I am weak in Chinese?

For Chinese students with weak foundation. I recommend to always start by listening to SLS textbook recitation. And then daily read the textbook passage and study the words one by one. take note of the hanyu pinyin and the meaning in the textbook. Read textbook everyday and compare to SLS recitation.

What are the 4 steps to win PSLE Chinese?

4 Steps to PSLE success is to study everyday.

1, study words to get full marks for paper 2 section A.

2, study talking to score in oral

3, Study sentence and paragraphs to score in compo

4, study words and their underlining meaning to score in comprehension (paper 2 section B)

How to get your child to be accountable for their actions?

1, List down objective that they want and show them what are the consequences!

Eg, you play games all day. Then your examination will fail, so you will go ITE and learn a basic skill. then you will earn like 1500-1800 monthly so you have not much time to play. so you play now, and then later you have to work double hard.
2, list down 1 – 2 objective for PSLE.

3, write down what are the things to study to achieve their aim. write at least 5 points per subject. every points must have a due date and a certain amount of work like reading 30 minutes a day.

4, check every night that they have done their assigned work by asking them to summarise their learning in words or writing.


Every effort that you make will help you gain a step closer to success in life. Games Will not make your life better in future, only work will.