
How to Train PSLE Chinese Language like a skill?

Chinese Language is a skill subject and to score in this subject you need to develop the necessary skill sets like in work place. Schools list down the skill sets as listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. And the new textbook are very good in teaching the skills required in the textbook directly.

How to Train PSLE Chinese Language like a skill? Read More »

No Matter what the doctor told you about your child, Every Child has the potential to Achieve great things even if you do not believe it!

And for those who dare to put blood and sweat to challenge your fate, You need to stay true to your words for as long as 8 months till the end of PSLE. But I will tell you, the effort and the result will be proportional, the more you pour into the journey, the more you will reap.

No Matter what the doctor told you about your child, Every Child has the potential to Achieve great things even if you do not believe it! Read More »