Chinese Language

concerning the Chinese Language as a subject

How to use my PSLE Chinese primary 5 and primary 6 Chinese wordlist effectively and build a strong foundation in Chinese Language?

Introduction Since 2017, I have gotten to realised that in order to help my students up their PSLE Chinese results, I need to first improve their Vocabulary and to do that I  made my students write down their wordlist from primary 4 onwards and study that notebook themselves daily. Their result shown was that the

How to use my PSLE Chinese primary 5 and primary 6 Chinese wordlist effectively and build a strong foundation in Chinese Language? Read More »


录像说明: 学生功课堆积如山,学生愁眉苦脸,感到头痛。妈妈安慰学生,一步一步来完成功课。 旁白: 功课压力会让学生不舒服,我们一定要学会减轻压力大方法,让生活更开心。 第一题:说一说录像中引起你注意的一件事? 第二题:你如何面对压力? 你怎样减轻压力? 第三题:学校要如何鼓励同学们减轻压力。

PSLE华文口试9:应对压力 Read More »


口试题目2019PSLE华文题 Topic 环保 你和你的家人是如何保持环境清洁的? 我们首先自己不要乱丢垃圾,当看到别人要随地乱丢垃圾时也要试着阻止他们。如果我们在地上看到垃圾,不管是不是自己丢的都要把它捡起来扔进垃圾桶里。我们不但应该保持家里的情洁,学校也是我们应该保持清洁的地方,保持环境清洁是我们每个人的责任。把课室打扫干净可以减轻清洁工人的负担。 我们可以去野餐的时候,吃完食物后,我们可以在野餐的地方捡垃圾,然后把垃圾丢进最近的垃圾桶,如果是塑料的话,就把它们分类然后丢进环保垃圾桶。我们也可以在公园散步的时候把别人丢进草丛里的垃圾捡起来 已所不欲勿施于人,我们不希望发生在我们身上的事,就不要对别人那么做。

PSLE华文口试:环保 Read More »

Short cut to pass your PSLE Chinese in 6 months time is to study the your textbook Word List diligently everyday.

The most effective plan to quickly improve your PSLE Chinese results from near pass (40-44) to pass (>45) is to start studying the wordlist for your level and beyond (when you have more time) as soon as possible and to make sure one studies:- 1)the word, 2)its’ meaning, 3) It’s use in a sentence and

Short cut to pass your PSLE Chinese in 6 months time is to study the your textbook Word List diligently everyday. Read More »