Study Notes

Study notes to note

Comprehension: how to train yourself to answer all the types of questions asked.

Comprehension: how to train yourself to answer all the types of questions asked. 1, Direct questions are very straightforward with answers mostly copyable from the passage. they are Who, where, when, what, how questions. 形容高兴到哭的成语是_____。 谁给爷爷买蛋糕? 为什么他给爷爷买蛋糕又不收钱? Comprehension: how to train yourself to answer all the types of questions asked 2 2,logical reasoning 爷爷是一个怎样的人?试举例说明。 你会怎样孝顺父母?试写出两个例子。 […]

Comprehension: how to train yourself to answer all the types of questions asked. Read More »

Chinese Language in PSLE gets harder and harder as you want to achieve better AL grades

The Fact about scoring in PSLE Chinese. In PSLE, Chinese language is actually 4 tests, each test tests the skill level of the students and give them a mark. then the marks are added to make up the total mark which would be converted to its AL Grade. Then 4 subject AL grade would be

Chinese Language in PSLE gets harder and harder as you want to achieve better AL grades Read More »

How to memorize and recite long Chinese texts?

第一,一句读完,闭眼读一篇,不看原文再读一遍。然后试着最后背出来。 First memorize sentence by sentence. 第二,把全文,一句一句背一遍。 next, recite one sentnece after the next until the end of passage. 第三,接着,一句接一句背一遍。(一定要理解意思才有用。) Then connect sentences from first to last, one sentence at a time. 第四,整篇背一遍。(记得要对照原文,圈出错误,一一改正。) recite the whole text, and check for errors with the original script. 最后,对着手机读一遍,才正式录朗读。 recite once then you can record your recitation in

How to memorize and recite long Chinese texts? Read More »

Updated 4 Steps to excel PSLE Chinese from 2022 onwards! (version 2023)

Step 1 study vocabulary of the textbooks in primary 5 to 6 daily, and revise weekly.

Step 2 Read up on all the good compositions and study their writing methods, then start to write something everyday.

Step 3 Study the scripts for all the topics for your oral examinations and read them out daily. try to take note of the important words and phrases in every topics. try to speak word in the scripts with relevant sentences naturally without hesitation.

Step 4 Ace the comprehension by reading stories and understand the plots and hidden agenda. read widely so that you get used to all kinds of expression and their hidden meaning. Then study the PSLE Comprehension questions and you will see they are mostly direct response questions and some higher order thinking questions. And learn to answer questions with relevant techniques.

Updated 4 Steps to excel PSLE Chinese from 2022 onwards! (version 2023) Read More »

How to win The PSLE Chinese Language Examination in 12 months?

The 4 (optional +1) steps to build a strong foundation for PSLE Chinese Language. Students who want to learn to pass or score their PSLE Chinese Language need just a strong belief that they can do it. Yes the journey starts with a BELIEF! If one do not believe they will not achieve anything. Step

How to win The PSLE Chinese Language Examination in 12 months? Read More »

How a student went from Fail in Chinese Composition to 27 marks in 6 months and he wrote a themed composition!

The three key to improving your composition is not those good words good phrases, Its the foundation we call them
1, Accurate usage of Good vocabulary.
2, Proper sentence construction.
3, Good story telling skill which includes Practical Structure for All good stories.
Happy writing and score well

How a student went from Fail in Chinese Composition to 27 marks in 6 months and he wrote a themed composition! Read More »

Knowledge and Vocabulary is Key to Reading Comprehension especially in PSLE Chinese Language

Parents have always think that their children cannot read the passage and/or their children cannot understand the passage thereby their children cannot score in Comprehension. The fact is their children did not have the Vocabulary and the topical knowledge to understand the passage, full stop. And the solution is just to build their vocabulary and expand their knowledge.

Knowledge and Vocabulary is Key to Reading Comprehension especially in PSLE Chinese Language Read More »