comprehension skills

How to diagnose your PSLE prelim papers and pinpoint your weakness?

Shortcut to see in your own Chinese test paper p5 and above and know your weakness so you can improve on it! 1, The marks distribution and skills required (A) paper 1 compo : 40 writing skills (B) Paper 2 MCQ Question 1-25 : 50 Level of Vocabulary and grammar (C) Paper 2 comprehension Question

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Comprehension: how to train yourself to answer all the types of questions asked.

Comprehension: how to train yourself to answer all the types of questions asked. 1, Direct questions are very straightforward with answers mostly copyable from the passage. they are Who, where, when, what, how questions. 形容高兴到哭的成语是_____。 谁给爷爷买蛋糕? 为什么他给爷爷买蛋糕又不收钱? Comprehension: how to train yourself to answer all the types of questions asked 2 2,logical reasoning 爷爷是一个怎样的人?试举例说明。 你会怎样孝顺父母?试写出两个例子。

Comprehension: how to train yourself to answer all the types of questions asked. Read More »


文章 父母一个一个去世,马来兄弟,阿都拉和艾兹曼近年觉受到了邻居对他们的关爱,深受感动。他们决定每年农历新年购买新年装饰来点缀他们屋外的走廊。他们把走廊变成一个“新年走廊”,各种各样新年装饰物使得走廊焕然一新。邻居们非常喜欢。 阿都拉说父亲2020年过世,他们在姐姐家暂住。结果邻居不止帮他们给屋外的花草浇水,还把走廊打扫得干干净净,一尘不染。他们回家后很是感动就觉得回报邻居的一片善心。他们就开始在农历新年时,把走廊打扮一番,充满了新春节庆的气氛,以迎接新年的来临。 “远亲不如近邻”,后来他们的母亲离世,他们很少煮饭,邻居就会送来饭菜与他们共享。他们觉得邻居的及时雨令他们非常感动。 新年走廊不但温暖了他们的邻居,也让新春的气息接近了这座组屋的无数居民。 问题 1,马来兄弟为什么要打造“新春走廊”? 2,邻居为兄弟俩做了什么感动了他们? 3,“远亲不如近邻”,你同意吗?为什么?(5分) 4,你和邻居的关系怎么样?邻居有帮助过你吗?写一写邻居帮助你的经过。 写一个四句话的故事(主题是邻居有帮助你) 你怎么回答?请留言。

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How to win The PSLE Chinese Language Examination in 12 months?

The 4 (optional +1) steps to build a strong foundation for PSLE Chinese Language. Students who want to learn to pass or score their PSLE Chinese Language need just a strong belief that they can do it. Yes the journey starts with a BELIEF! If one do not believe they will not achieve anything. Step

How to win The PSLE Chinese Language Examination in 12 months? Read More »


以下是回答以上问题常见的答案:- 孝顺长辈 xiào shùn zhang bei Filial 聪明 cōng míng Smart 勤劳 qín láo Hardworking 诚实 chéng shí Honest 坚持不懈 jiān chí bu xie Persevere 乐观 lè guān Positive 负责任 fù zé rèn Responsible 有礼貌 yǒu lǐ mào Well mannered 有公德心 yǒu gōng dé xīn Civic-minded 尊重他人 zūn zhòng tā rén Respect others 乐于助人 lè

他是一个怎样的人,怎么样回答这种题目? Read More »

How to Train PSLE Chinese Language like a skill?

Chinese Language is a skill subject and to score in this subject you need to develop the necessary skill sets like in work place. Schools list down the skill sets as listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. And the new textbook are very good in teaching the skills required in the textbook directly.

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How to score in written notes in PSLE Chinese paper 2?

Interactive notes are introduced in 2017 PSLE Paper 2 format and since then it has some changes. Nowadays it a test of how one pupil can extract important information from the article such as a advertisement, a notice or an announcement and give a reason for participating in the activities or give a reason for pupil’s friend or relative to help or join this event.

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