Step By Step guide to Ace your PSLE Chinese Language Examinations at the end of the year!

I had a handful of students who followed the learning method outlined here for at least 1-2 years and they earned themself a pass in PSLE Chinese even though they had Failed their Chinese Language since primary 3 to 5. So passing your PSLE Chinese is A choice, any student can choose to fail and so the student can choose to pass it. PASSING PSLE CHINESE IS A CHOICE.

Step By Step guide to Ace your PSLE Chinese Language Examinations at the end of the year! Read More »

Tips to study PSLE Chinese when you are in primary 4.

What areas to work on for Primary 4 students to catch up to to Primary 5 and 6 examination needs? For P3-5 students, The earlier you prepare for PSLE the better. P3-4, Do read Chinese books and study all the P3-4 vocabulary diligently. P5 must write composition like PSLE weekly to brush up on writing

Tips to study PSLE Chinese when you are in primary 4. Read More »


录像说明: 学生功课堆积如山,学生愁眉苦脸,感到头痛。妈妈安慰学生,一步一步来完成功课。 旁白: 功课压力会让学生不舒服,我们一定要学会减轻压力大方法,让生活更开心。 第一题:说一说录像中引起你注意的一件事? 第二题:你如何面对压力? 你怎样减轻压力? 第三题:学校要如何鼓励同学们减轻压力。

PSLE华文口试9:应对压力 Read More »

Subject and interest are not related in life, so one who do not want to study Chinese in PSLE need to face the consequences of lower PSLE grade or DSA.

If your children is not interested to learn Chinese because they are not good at it, Just tell them most graduates from universities DO NOT find a job related to their field of study so interest and work is not related at all. That’s life. IF your children wants good grades in PSLE, then they

Subject and interest are not related in life, so one who do not want to study Chinese in PSLE need to face the consequences of lower PSLE grade or DSA. Read More »

How to pass or excel in PSLE Chinese in the coming year? read about first of the 4 steps to win PSLE.

For those taking PSLE Chinese in the following years, you can pass or excel in PSLE Chinese or continue what you do now and maintain your grade. To pass or excel your PSLE Chinese, the first step is to get 50/50 for your vocabulary by studying the wordlist in primary 5 and 6 textbooks. I

How to pass or excel in PSLE Chinese in the coming year? read about first of the 4 steps to win PSLE. Read More »