Step By Step guide to Ace your PSLE Chinese Language Examinations at the end of the year!

I had a handful of students who followed the learning method outlined here for at least 1-2 years and they earned themself a pass in PSLE Chinese even though they had Failed their Chinese Language since primary 3 to 5. So passing your PSLE Chinese is A choice, any student can choose to fail and so the student can choose to pass it. PASSING PSLE CHINESE IS A CHOICE.

Step By Step guide to Ace your PSLE Chinese Language Examinations at the end of the year! Read More »

Tips to study PSLE Chinese when you are in primary 4.

What areas to work on for Primary 4 students to catch up to to Primary 5 and 6 examination needs? For P3-5 students, The earlier you prepare for PSLE the better. P3-4, Do read Chinese books and study all the P3-4 vocabulary diligently. P5 must write composition like PSLE weekly to brush up on writing

Tips to study PSLE Chinese when you are in primary 4. Read More »

First time using payment links to accept paynow and the experience is very heart warming!

Introduction This Year I heard the integration of stripe with paynow so I started experiencing with the Paynow Payment links. I set it up bu 2 Jan 2023 and make sure the link, the confirmation pages are set up properly. Then I just go all out by ontroducing paynow to my site to help those

First time using payment links to accept paynow and the experience is very heart warming! Read More »

New Secondary Chinese Express Wordlist that helps you win examinations

New textbooks for Secondary school Chinese since 2020. 2020, New Chinese textbooks for Secondary 1 used in schools. 2021 new chinese textbooks for secondary 2 students. 2022 secondary 3 students got new textbook. The textbook focus on vocabulary closer to a students life and had lots of phrases common in a good composition. It even

New Secondary Chinese Express Wordlist that helps you win examinations Read More »

PSLE Chinese Wordlists for student by students: why I wrote the wordlist

When I was teaching my pupils, I discovered that they are not familiar with the words in the textbook and lack vocabulary, so I lead them to write out all the words in every chapter in the textbook (new textbook) in a notebook. I standardize the format of writing and make it into a exercise to revise all the words in the primary 5 and 6 textbook daily. In 3 months time One can complete the 500-600 words in p5 to p6 and I let the pupil read any 3 pages daily after that testing a few times to make sure they follow through the daily reading.

PSLE Chinese Wordlists for student by students: why I wrote the wordlist Read More »

O level Chinese Oral Conversation topic 2

我们应该从小就培养储蓄金钱,未雨绸缪的好习惯。更重要的是,我们学会通过更有意义的方式与他人分享快乐。 提示: 1. 假如你发现身边的朋友花钱去买玩具,你会有什么感想?为什么? 立场 感想(表示情绪) 原因1,2,3 例子 总结 2. 学校怎样做才能让学生学会储蓄和与人分享? 介绍学校的教育方法 方式一、二、三:德育课、座谈会、海报比赛、周会谈话、兴趣讲座、生活技能学习营等等 例子 总结 3. 能够帮助较不幸的人也是一种幸福。谈谈你的看法。 立场 原因1,2,3 例子 总结

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O levels Chinese oral conversation topic sample questions

中学口试题目举例:- 1,如果你在快餐店就餐,却看到学生在那里做功课,而无法找到座位,你会有怎样的感受?为什么? a,感受 b,原因 c,例子 d,总结 2,为什么许多学生喜欢到快餐店而不是到图书馆做功课? a,快餐店读书的优点1,2,3 b,图书馆读书的缺点 c,总结 3,快餐店应该禁止学生在那里做功课。谈谈你的看法。 a,你的立场要鲜明 b,原因1,2,3, c,影响 d,例子 e,总结

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How to write even better Chinese PSLE compositions by comparing a good one with an exceptional one!

高分作文-PSLE小六看图作文,你能写的比他好就能超过30分! The Good composition:- 一次难忘的教训 方思洁(小六) 一个人一生中难免会发生很多事情,尤其是发生在自己身上,当然我也不例外。虽然这件事已经发生两年了,但它像树根一样,深深地扎在我心里。每次回想起来,仍然记忆犹新。事情是这样的。。。。。。(原创开头) 我走出电梯来到了公园。我抱着我的猫,想到对面的公园散步。走着走着,我遇见我的好朋友——正恩。我抱着我的猫咪咪,向正恩走去。(看见朋友,还有走过去) 我把猫放下,便开心地跟正恩谈天。不知不觉,我们谈了半个小时。我往下看,发现咪咪不见了!我和正恩分头寻找咪咪。“咪咪,你在哪里?”我喊道。原来,好奇的咪咪看见一只小鸟,便追上去。(解释猫儿不见之理)正恩跑着回来,说:“找不到咪咪,怎么办?”我回答:“明天再找吧。希望遇见好心人把咪咪找回来。(如果加上更多形容感情变化的描写最好) 回到家,我拖着沉重的脚步走进房间。我看我的床头上放着我和咪咪的照片,我的泪像珍珠,一滴一滴地流了下来。”恩诗,快出来吃饭了!“我走到餐桌,看着满桌五颜六色的食物。但我没有胃口,吃不下饭。回到房间,我答应自己,明天要早点起床找咪咪。我也联系正恩,让他帮我一起找。(把感情表达出来了) ”铃……铃……” 七点了,我迅速地跳下床,准备寻找咪咪。我来到电梯楼下,发现有一张《寻猫启事》,那照片正是咪咪!我马上通知正恩,她刚好也来到。我播打了通告上写的电话号码。接听电话的是一名阿姨。那阿姨叫我们到十三楼去接咪咪。我兴奋极了,马上上去十三楼找那名阿姨。我找到那名阿姨后,她把咪咪放到我的手上。我看到咪咪,我把咪咪抱得紧紧的。(高兴的形容词如果再多样化,更好) 俗话说得好:“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。” 我学会了以后要好好照顾咪咪,再也不会只顾着讲话而不顾咪咪。(抓住看图的重点) Now below is the Exceptional one: 好,现在我们来对比下一篇超高分作文 同样的看图作文,但是由黄加宁 HCL 6-1写出:- 一个星期三下午,天空瓦蓝瓦蓝的,像刚用水洗过一样。爸爸妈妈都出去工作了,羽芯一个人在家里闷得发慌,便决定带她最心爱的小猫–豆豆,到公园散散心。 公园里空气清新,景色迷人,映入眼帘的都是高大的树木和绿油油的草地。“羽芯?真的是你?”一个既陌生又熟悉的声音惊喜地说道。羽芯转过头去,发现那个人竟然是很久未见的朋友–丽文。“丽文!好久不见,我好想你!真没想到会在這儿遇见你!”羽芯惊喜地说道。就这样,她们俩你一言我一语地聊了起来。 豆豆觉得很无聊,从羽芯的怀里跳出来,去抓在草地上的小鸟。小鸟吓了一跳,飞走了,豆豆连忙追上去。羽芯和丽文聊着聊着就忘了时间,“丽文,你看,这只小猫叫豆。。。。。。咦?豆豆呢?”羽芯这才发现怀里的豆豆不见了。她顿时急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 “怎么了?”丽文问道。羽芯哽咽地把事情一五一十地告诉丽文。丽文也主动帮羽芯找豆豆,羽芯朝丽文去的反方向找小猫。她到处问人,连厕所都找过了,可是哪里都没有小猫的身影。 羽芯失魂落魄地走回出发点和丽文会和,心里还抱着一丝希望,希望丽文会找到豆豆。“丽文,你有找到豆豆吗?”羽芯问道。丽文瑞带歉意地看着她,摇了摇头,说:“对不起,还有啊,时间这么晚了,你也应该回去了。而且豆豆可能自己回家了呢?” 听见她的话,羽芯心里又燃起一丝希望。她们草草地道了别后,羽芯就飞似的跑回家。一进门她就喊:“豆豆,豆豆!”妈妈闻声而来:“我才刚准备打电话叫你回来吃饭,你就回来了。”羽芯丢了魂似的坐在沙发上,喃喃自语道:“豆豆,豆豆。。。。。。” 妈妈满脸疑惑地看着她,叫她吃饭了。羽芯坐在餐桌前,一点食欲也没有,满脑子都是豆豆。妈妈似乎猜到发生什么事了,安慰羽芯,说让她先吃饭,明天一早妈妈才陪她去公园找找小猫。羽芯终于忍不住了,眼泪像断了线的珍珠流了下来。“都是我的错,都是因为我没有好好看住它才会把它弄丢的。”羽芯满脸泪痕地说道。 妈妈安慰她说没事,说不定小猫被好心人带走了,可能他会贴启示寻找小猫的主人。妈妈叫她先去梳洗睡觉先,明天再找小猫。可是羽芯辗转难眠,十分担心豆豆的安危,直到深夜才睡着。 第二天醒来时,已经是下午了。羽芯匆匆忙忙下去公园继续寻找豆豆。当她走出电梯时,意外的发现电梯旁有一则启事,在找照片上的小猫的主人。照片上的小猫正是她的豆豆,她连忙拨打那位好心人留下的电话。电话里的人叫羽芯到公园等他。那个好心人是一个慈祥的老奶奶,原来她下来公园散步时,发现了失足跌进沟渠的小猫豆豆,觉得它很可怜,便把它带回家。老奶奶看见它脖子上的铃铛,就知道它是别人养的,所以她叫她的儿子把启事贴在附近几座组屋楼下。羽芯不断地向老奶奶道谢,并说她以后会小心看住小猫。 经过这件事后,羽芯明白了要时刻把自己的宠物看好,不能让它们乱跑,要做个有责任感的主人。(更贴近主题的结论)

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Chinese Language in PSLE gets harder and harder as you want to achieve better AL grades

The Fact about scoring in PSLE Chinese. In PSLE, Chinese language is actually 4 tests, each test tests the skill level of the students and give them a mark. then the marks are added to make up the total mark which would be converted to its AL Grade. Then 4 subject AL grade would be

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文章 父母一个一个去世,马来兄弟,阿都拉和艾兹曼近年觉受到了邻居对他们的关爱,深受感动。他们决定每年农历新年购买新年装饰来点缀他们屋外的走廊。他们把走廊变成一个“新年走廊”,各种各样新年装饰物使得走廊焕然一新。邻居们非常喜欢。 阿都拉说父亲2020年过世,他们在姐姐家暂住。结果邻居不止帮他们给屋外的花草浇水,还把走廊打扫得干干净净,一尘不染。他们回家后很是感动就觉得回报邻居的一片善心。他们就开始在农历新年时,把走廊打扮一番,充满了新春节庆的气氛,以迎接新年的来临。 “远亲不如近邻”,后来他们的母亲离世,他们很少煮饭,邻居就会送来饭菜与他们共享。他们觉得邻居的及时雨令他们非常感动。 新年走廊不但温暖了他们的邻居,也让新春的气息接近了这座组屋的无数居民。 问题 1,马来兄弟为什么要打造“新春走廊”? 2,邻居为兄弟俩做了什么感动了他们? 3,“远亲不如近邻”,你同意吗?为什么?(5分) 4,你和邻居的关系怎么样?邻居有帮助过你吗?写一写邻居帮助你的经过。 写一个四句话的故事(主题是邻居有帮助你) 你怎么回答?请留言。

远亲不如近邻阅读理解题 Read More »

Updated 4 Steps to excel PSLE Chinese from 2022 onwards! (version 2023)

Step 1 study vocabulary of the textbooks in primary 5 to 6 daily, and revise weekly.

Step 2 Read up on all the good compositions and study their writing methods, then start to write something everyday.

Step 3 Study the scripts for all the topics for your oral examinations and read them out daily. try to take note of the important words and phrases in every topics. try to speak word in the scripts with relevant sentences naturally without hesitation.

Step 4 Ace the comprehension by reading stories and understand the plots and hidden agenda. read widely so that you get used to all kinds of expression and their hidden meaning. Then study the PSLE Comprehension questions and you will see they are mostly direct response questions and some higher order thinking questions. And learn to answer questions with relevant techniques.

Updated 4 Steps to excel PSLE Chinese from 2022 onwards! (version 2023) Read More »


以下是回答以上问题常见的答案:- 孝顺长辈 xiào shùn zhang bei Filial 聪明 cōng míng Smart 勤劳 qín láo Hardworking 诚实 chéng shí Honest 坚持不懈 jiān chí bu xie Persevere 乐观 lè guān Positive 负责任 fù zé rèn Responsible 有礼貌 yǒu lǐ mào Well mannered 有公德心 yǒu gōng dé xīn Civic-minded 尊重他人 zūn zhòng tā rén Respect others 乐于助人 lè

他是一个怎样的人,怎么样回答这种题目? Read More »

How a student went from Fail in Chinese Composition to 27 marks in 6 months and he wrote a themed composition!

The three key to improving your composition is not those good words good phrases, Its the foundation we call them
1, Accurate usage of Good vocabulary.
2, Proper sentence construction.
3, Good story telling skill which includes Practical Structure for All good stories.
Happy writing and score well

How a student went from Fail in Chinese Composition to 27 marks in 6 months and he wrote a themed composition! Read More »

Knowledge and Vocabulary is Key to Reading Comprehension especially in PSLE Chinese Language

Parents have always think that their children cannot read the passage and/or their children cannot understand the passage thereby their children cannot score in Comprehension. The fact is their children did not have the Vocabulary and the topical knowledge to understand the passage, full stop. And the solution is just to build their vocabulary and expand their knowledge.

Knowledge and Vocabulary is Key to Reading Comprehension especially in PSLE Chinese Language Read More »

How to become a demon slayer – teaching guide to learning PSLE Chinese Part 2

The second character that leaves an impression on my mind is Zenitsu. He is the kind of student you will see quite often, who is soft and weak and are fearful of a lot of things. When they study they drafted away. And yet he is very good in ONE method and ONE stroke and that make him the pillars of demon slayers, that stroke is Thunder breathing first form.

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How to become a demon slayer – teaching guide to learning PSLE Chinese Part 1

Demon Slayers are becoming a known brand among students and I have to catch up to the trends so I introduced the teaching and learning of the demon slayers as I read and watch the series. There are several styles of learning in Demon Slayers as told by their various learner aka the characters. Tanjiro

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How to achieve success in PSLE Chinese with 4 very easy steps

This is the 4 steps that have helped kids who are not interested in Chinese language and not keen to study but they want success. Their desire to success can help them drive themselves to success and achieve their aim. Those steps helped them so much that when they received their results after the PSLE Chinese, they got their success they went after.

How to achieve success in PSLE Chinese with 4 very easy steps Read More »

Oral Excellence Part 1 Recitation Tips for PSLE Chinese

We know skills are learnable and Oral recitation tests three very important skills in oral and that is a reasonable huge vocabulary, fast word recognition and an understanding of various reading techniques. So if you invest yourself to learn those skills, they will help you in your oral examinations and more.

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How to Train PSLE Chinese Language like a skill?

Chinese Language is a skill subject and to score in this subject you need to develop the necessary skill sets like in work place. Schools list down the skill sets as listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. And the new textbook are very good in teaching the skills required in the textbook directly.

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How to score in written notes in PSLE Chinese paper 2?

Interactive notes are introduced in 2017 PSLE Paper 2 format and since then it has some changes. Nowadays it a test of how one pupil can extract important information from the article such as a advertisement, a notice or an announcement and give a reason for participating in the activities or give a reason for pupil’s friend or relative to help or join this event.

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Authors in residence programme Chinese Composition works now online

Authors who are accomplished writers stay in a school to help young writers improve their writing and tgose young writers will get a publiscation called selected works from the authors in residence programme every year. This time, the CPCLL has made all those young writers work online

Authors in residence programme Chinese Composition works now online Read More »

5 Steps to a Very good PSLE Chinese Composition without memorizing any Chinese phrases or good words

5 Steps to a Very good PSLE Chinese Composition without memorizing any Chinese phrases or good words. I don’t believe a good composition is written with canned phrases or memorized words, so I set out to find out what makes a good composition without the above. And I found out that there are 5 steps

5 Steps to a Very good PSLE Chinese Composition without memorizing any Chinese phrases or good words Read More »

No Matter what the doctor told you about your child, Every Child has the potential to Achieve great things even if you do not believe it!

And for those who dare to put blood and sweat to challenge your fate, You need to stay true to your words for as long as 8 months till the end of PSLE. But I will tell you, the effort and the result will be proportional, the more you pour into the journey, the more you will reap.

No Matter what the doctor told you about your child, Every Child has the potential to Achieve great things even if you do not believe it! Read More »

Besta All Pass S1 VS Creative PX2201 VS ZZ-New-A+ Updated for 2021

Before we compare them lets welcome the 3 contestants in the heavy weight Chinese E-dictionary category: Besta All Pass S1 ZZ Perfection New A+ Creative Hansvision PX2201 Screen Size and size The King is the Creative Hansvision PX2201 with a 5 inch color touch screen and measure 15.2 cm by 8.5 cm. This is just

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PSLE 2020 is 10 months away!

Holiday is here but it will not stay as PSLE 2020 is just round the corner. This year I have seen students gain 1-2 grade above their expectation and because of this improvement, their PSLE results (t-score) have improved and they are very happy about it. Chinese Language is part of your PSLE results

PSLE 2020 is 10 months away! Read More »

Get your child ready for PSLE Chinese 2020 now!

What is different in 2020? 2020, We will have NEW 《欢乐伙伴》 (HLHB) for primary 6 textbooks and workbooks. So present primary 6 textbooks, materials (except composition, oral, comprehension) are going to be outdated by 2020. Xuele, the complementary flash website for HYHB is available at .Click on the picture to go Xuele! The 3

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Should you take Higher Chinese in Primary school and Secondary?

Should you take higher Chinese? What is higher Chinese? Higher Chinese is advanced Chinese which has like 20-30% more words than standard Chinese and the test paper requires a higher level of mastery of comprehension and composition. And it does not affect psle score that much. It gives +3 for distinction, +2 for merit and

Should you take Higher Chinese in Primary school and Secondary? Read More »

Best E-Dictionary for Chinese PSLE studies and composition Examinations Update 2020

In conclusion, I think if you want bigger screen, then ZZ new A+, else you get the cheaper one PX2181 for a solid E-Dictionary.
If you need pen writing, then get either PX2131 or All Pass 3. All 4 models are great tools for composition from primary 4 to Secondary 4.

Best E-Dictionary for Chinese PSLE studies and composition Examinations Update 2020 Read More »

6 important tips to writing GOOD Chinese PSLE Compositions!

Writing a good composition, especially in the context of the Chinese PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination), requires a thoughtful approach that combines creativity with structure. Here are six important tips to help students craft engaging and effective compositions. 1. Understand the Prompt or Picture : Before putting pen to paper, take time to analyze the

6 important tips to writing GOOD Chinese PSLE Compositions! Read More »

How to use PEEL, Five senses and 5w1H to write an interesting AL1 Picture composition for PSLE Chinese?

Introduction There are many ways to write a picture composition and I think the best is a mix of the use of PEEL, five senses and 5W1H methos. let discuss a bit about those methods of writing. PEEL PEEL stands for writing in a systematic way with a Point you want to convey, follow by

How to use PEEL, Five senses and 5w1H to write an interesting AL1 Picture composition for PSLE Chinese? Read More »

The Ultimate Guide to Helping Your Child Thrive in PSLE Chinese language Without the Stress!

Word lists play a crucial role in building a strong foundation for Chinese language learners, especially in structured learning environments like preparation for the PSLE or O-levels. Focus on Vocabulary Expansion: A well-organized word list provides students with essential vocabulary they need to master, helping them improve in areas like comprehension, oral skills, and writing.

The Ultimate Guide to Helping Your Child Thrive in PSLE Chinese language Without the Stress! Read More »

Top 3 common mistakes for PSLE Chinese Compositions that students make and How to to avoid them.

Introduction The top 3 common mistakes that students repeatedly make can be broadly classified into three categories:- (A) Misspellings, Wrong use of nouns or phrases. When students tend to memorize lots of helping phrases and words, Most did not really understand what they are writing and so the used the wrong phrases, or the wrong

Top 3 common mistakes for PSLE Chinese Compositions that students make and How to to avoid them. Read More »